January 2018 Newsletter

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Dear WesleyNexus Colleague: We begin our January, 2018 newsletter with a reflection by Rick Barr, WesleyNexus Secretary, a founding member of WesleyNexus who has been leading science and religion discussions in the Washington, DC area for nearly two decades.  He … Continued

December 2017 Newsletter

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Dear WesleyNexus Colleague: We begin our December newsletter with a reflection by Kent Weaver, WesleyNexus Treasurer and longtime participant in science and religion conversations in the Washington, DC area.  Kent shared this during the December 16, 2017 WesleyNexus Board of … Continued

November 2017 Newsletter

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Dear WesleyNexus Colleague: We are about to enter the season of Advent which is celebrated in many ways. It is the anticipation of the birth of Jesus, the incarnation of Christ and the Word made flesh. It enlivens our normal … Continued

October 2017 Newsletter

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Dear WesleyNexus Colleague: If there is one word that could summarize this month’s newsletter, it is “NEW”! In this issue, we highlight several new developments. First, WesleyNexus is thrilled to launch its new website! You’ll find us living at the … Continued

September 2017 Newsletter

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Dear WesleyNexus Colleague: For decades, John Haught has been one of the leading theologicans advocating for the compatibility of science and religion. His 1995 book, Science & Religion: From Conflict to Conversation, gave a clear and  concise introduction to science … Continued

August 2017 Newsletter

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Dear WesleyNexus Colleague: Earlier this month, millions of Americans interrupted their lives to watch a total eclipse cross the entire United States, coast-to-coast, for the first time since 1918.  That so many Americans paused to participate in an act of … Continued

July 2017 Newsletter

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Dear WesleyNexus Colleague: In Bruce Epperly’s book Praying with Process Theology: Personal Practices for Personal and Planetary Healing, he quotes Patricia Adams Farmer who asserts that a beautiful soul is a large soul, one that can overcome the smallness and   pettiness of … Continued

June 2017 Newsletter

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Dear WesleyNexus Colleague: The first Sunday in June, Christians all over the world celebrated Pentecost, remembering the time when Jews from many nations came together to form the community of Jesus.  In Acts 2, Luke tells the story of how … Continued

May 2017 Newsletter

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Dear WesleyNexus Colleague: A lot has happened since the last newsletter. While it is easy to get fixated on political news from Washington, it is important to keep plugged into what is happening beyond Capitol Hill politics. Sometimes events overlap … Continued

April 2017 Newsletter

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Dear WesleyNexus Colleague: This past weekend we saw tens of thousands of people across this planet join together in expressing how important science is to their understanding of the world. Scientists of course were present, as were students engaged in … Continued