Dear WesleyNexus Colleague:
Earlier this month, millions of Americans interrupted their lives to watch a total eclipse cross the entire United States, coast-to-coast, for the first time since 1918. That so many Americans paused to participate in an act of collective wonder highlights how faith and science intersect in people’s lives and reaffirms two facts. First, that science is good at what science does, making accurate predictions
about the natural world. Second, that wonder—expressed by Christians and non-Christians alike—is alive and well!
The countdown to this historic and joyous event took place at the same time that we witnessed the raw, and even violent reality, of the racial and political divisions in the U.S. We at WesleyNexus found it hard to focus on our work in the midst of such heartbreaking events. But, we believe that the faith-and-science dialogue has much to offer for such a time as this.
The mission of WesleyNexus is to draw on the Wesleyan tradition to equip persons for the practices of
faith, mission, and ministry in a world shaped by science. The first article in this month’s issue, “What the 2017 Eclipse Tells Us About Our Church Ministry,” goes to the heart of why science matters in the life of the church. The next five articles highlight different ways that people are thinking about the nature of God, life, and the relationship between the two. Two articles on genetic engineering and one on climate change relate to the Christian work of social justice and, in the case of genetic engineering, perhaps leads us to a place where technology meets pastoral counseling.
We hope you will find something in this month’s newsletter that will provide insight and guidance and bring you closer to the sacred in your life and your community.
God Bless,
Rick, Maynard, and the rest of the
WesleyNexus Board of Directors